
This website is a teaching ministry of the Disciples Global Network designed to provide readers with studies on how God has fulfilled His Word and promises in Jesus of Nazareth. The Son of God is the theological center of the New Testament and the original Apostolic faith, especially what God has accomplished in his Death and Resurrection. In him, all the promises of God find their fulfillment.

The Apostle Paul declared that the forms of this age are "passing away." With the advent of Jesus, nothing would ever be the same again, including the identity of the people of God. Because of him, God's covenant and promises are open to men and women from ALL nations. The “age to come" has commenced, and the Kingdom of God is making inroads wherever the Gospel is proclaimed.

Me at Hastie Lake Road beach
[My Profile Picture]

My name is David Maas and I have been a lifelong student of the Bible since shortly after I became a disciple of Jesus in 1971. I reside in the city of Gardnerville in the State of Nevada.

All posts on this site are free of charge. None are copyrighted. You may copy, quote, reuse, and distribute any article as you see fit. Please support this work with your prayers, that God would open effectual doors for His gospel to spread.

If you are interested in supporting this work in other ways or have any questions, please contact me at bear7755@gmail.com, or, david.maas@yandex.com ~ David R. Maas, 2022.

{Meu nome é David Maas e tenho sido um estudante da Bíblia ao longo da vida desde pouco depois de me tornar um discípulo de Jesus em 1971. Atualmente, resido na cidade de Gardnerville, no Estado de Nevada. Todas as postagens deste site são fornecidas gratuitamente. Nenhum é protegido por direitos autorais. Você pode copiar, citar, reutilizar e distribuir qualquer artigo Como achar melhor-David R. Maas, e-mail: bear7755@gmail.com}

Lake Tahoe sunset - Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash
[Lake Tahoe Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash]


Promessa do Pai

Completing our Salvation